
TEL ITALY  + 39 347 2337132                                  CPALESI@AOL.COM                 CRISTINAPALESI@GMAIL.COM

TEL SPAIN +34 653 259 884

TEL USA +1 530 349 1078

Cristina PALESI




Cristina Palesi is a

Journalist (certified at the Ordine dei Giornalisti and a long time member of IPI international Press Institute) , artist, designer, certified Yoga Teacher and experienced Life Coach are just a few of the diverse hats Cristina Palesi has donned over the years. With a zest for life and a passion for intuitive living, the Italian-born entrepreneur ventured in stride between seemingly disconnected facets of her life, each sharing one common seed: to follow her passions.  

Having studied fashion and production in Milan, Cristina’s growth into the world of fashion journalism and music was a harmonious transition. By her early 20’s she had completed a degree in communication, studied every summer abroad in France, Spain and England in order to learn three languages fluently, traveled extensively and launched a successful career as a writer, her first stint an in-house position with New Age magazine, where she developed a foundational interest in spirituality, which was to reshape her entire life. Cristina also freelanced for several other noteworthy publications including Il Suono Magazine, Time Magazine and 100 Cose Magazine. 

During this time Cristina met, interviewed and was inspired by the likes of Bryan Weiss, Deepak Chopra, the Dalai Lama, Don Miguel Ruiz and son Miguel Ruiz Jr. Certified Angel reader Doreen Virtue, Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle. These interactions paved for her a lifelong connection to a higher power, one for which she is eternally grateful and indebted to share with others. As media, Cristina also attended many courses and was certified at the Chopra Center, as well as with Doreen Virtue in Angelology. 

Cristina also has vast PR experience working with DJS Marketing representing high-end fashion and jewelry ( JEWELERRY)designers as their PR director.


In her mid-twenties, Cristina worked for RAI TV in Milan, a national Italian TV station, as an assistant to the director. At RAI she worked on Telethon, a live production created to raise funds for multiple sclerosis; as well as on TAM TAM, Village musical show, which through regular press conferences offered her the possibility of daily interaction with new international musicians such as Phil Collins, Seal, Moby and others, as well as invitations to the red carpet press conference of Telegatti which featured fantastic stars such as Sharon Stone, Robert DeNiro, Michael Douglas and Robert Redford. 

As spiritual growth often follows tremendous struggle, so was the story for Cristina, who grappled with severe body image issues since her teen years and had a near death experience, which transformed her life in a deeply spiritual way. These challenges along with her longstanding experience in the fashion world and her travels to India inspired her to create a line of kaftans which would allow women to feel feminine, confident, sensual and most importantly, free. Her hope: to awaken the goddess and the power within.  

Made 100% in Italy, the kaftans boast a soft blending of oriental-occidental, a message that we are all one, despite differences, challenges and insecurities. Cristina’s goal is for her story and its pearls of wisdom to be a hope for people. She believes that with God - in each one’s own unique understanding of God - everything is possible.